Get Started or Add to an Existing Project

Getting started with Kinetic is incredibly straightforward. Just follow the steps below to start transacting with Kinetic in your app.


npm i @kin-kinetic/sdk

Instantiate the Kinetic Client

The Kinetic Client will give you access to all the methods you need to work with Kinetic on the blockchain.

We recommend starting with Devnet before moving on to Mainnet.

import { KineticSdk } from '@kin-kinetic/sdk'

const clientOptions = {
  environment: 'devnet', // the name of your environment, e.g. devnet, mainnet
  index: 1, // your App Index
  endpoint: '', // devnet endpoint

const kineticClient = await KineticSdk.setup(clientOptions)

Don't have an App Index? Register your app on our Onboarding Form so you can get your App Index that allows you to transact with our SDKs.

While you're waiting for confirmation of your App Index, use 1 on devnet so you can get started.

Create Account

You can create accounts randomly or from existing mnemonics or secret keys. Below, we'll make a keypair and use that for creating an account on the blockchain.

import { Keypair } from '@kin-kinetic/keypair'
import { Commitment } from '@kin-kinetic/solana'

const mnemonic = Keypair.generateMnemonic()
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecret(mnemonic)
const accountOptions = {
  owner: keypair,
  commitment: Commitment.Finalized, // Optional, can be Finalized, Confirmed, Processed
await kineticClient.createAccount(accountOptions)

Close Account

It's good practice to close unneeded accounts. You can only close accounts that you have created and are currently empty.

import { Commitment } from '@kin-kinetic/solana'

const closeAccountOptions = {
  account: keypair.publicKey,
  commitment: Commitment.Finalized, // Optional, can be Finalized, Confirmed, Processed
await kineticClient.closeAccount(closeAccountOptions)

Check Balance

Check a user balance by passing in the public key of the account you want to check.

The response object includes your total balance as well as detailing all of the Mints and Tokens held by that Public Key.

const balanceOptions = { account: keypair.publicKey }
const { balance } = await kineticClient.getBalance(balanceOptions)

Airdrop Funds (devnet)

Send some test funds to a specific Public Key on Devnet.

import { Commitment } from '@kin-kinetic/solana'

const airdropOptions = {
  account: keypair.publicKey,
  amount: '1000',
  commitment: Commitment.Finalized, // Optional, can be Finalized, Confirmed, Processed
await kineticClient.requestAirdrop(airdropOptions)


Transfer tokens from a Keypair to any Public Key.

import { Commitment, TransactionType } from '@kin-kinetic/solana';

const transferOptions = {
  amount: '5000',
  destination: `BQJi5K2s4SDDbed1ArpXjb6n7yVUfM34ym9a179MAqVo`,
  owner: keypair,
  commitment: Commitment.Finalized, // Optional, can be Finalized, Confirmed, Processed
  type: TransactionType.P2P, // Optional, can be Unknown, None, Earn, Spend or P2P,
  reference: 'some reference'; // Optional, stored off-chain and returned via webhooks
  senderCreate: false; // Optional, will make a Token Account at that destination if true

await kineticClient.makeTransfer(transferOptions)

Note - reference is stored off chain and will be passed back to the app via webhooks if they are set up.

Transfer token Batch

Make a batch transfer of a token.

import { Commitment } from '@kin-kinetic/solana'

const destinations = [
    amount: '500',
    destination: `BQJi5K2s4SDDbed1ArpXjb6n7yVUfM34ym9a179MAqVo`,
    amount: '600',
    destination: `BQJi5K2s4SDDbed1ArpXjb6n7yVUfM34ym9a179MAqVo`,
    amount: '800',
    destination: `BQJi5K2s4SDDbed1ArpXjb6n7yVUfM34ym9a179MAqVo`,

const transferBatchOptions = {
    owner: keypair,
    commitment: Commitment.Finalized, // Optional, can be Finalized, Confirmed, Processed
    reference: 'some reference'; // Optional, stored off-chain and returned via webhooks
    senderCreate: false; // Optional, will make a Token Account at that destination if true

await kineticClient.makeTransferBatch(transferBatchOptions);

Get Transaction Details

Get the details of any transaction by passing in the transaction signature.

const signature = 'transaction id string'
await kineticClient.getTransaction({ signature })

Get Solana Explorer URL

Solana Explorer

await kineticClient.getExplorerUrl('account or transaction id string')

Get Account History

Get the full transaction history of any account by passing in the account's Public Key.

const historyOptions = { account: keypair.publicKey }
await kineticClient.getHistory(historyOptions)

Get Account Info

Easily get the main info of any account by passing in the account's Public Key.

const getAccountInfoOptions = { account: keypair.publicKey }
await kineticClient.getAccountInfo(getAccountInfoOptions)

Get Token Accounts

Get the full list of Token Accounts held by a Keypair on Solana.

const tokenAccountOptions = { account: keypair.publicKey }
await kineticClient.getTokenAccounts(tokenAccountOptions)


Access Kinetic Manager to manage your app's settings.

This includes allowing you to configure your app to use a number of webhooks.

Balance Webhook

The balance webhook allows you to receive an alert when your app's hotwallet is running low on Sol so you can top it up and ensure your app can continue to keep transacting.

Balance Webhook

E.g. In a node express server:

app.use('/balance', async (req, res) => {
  const data = req.body

Event Webhook

The event webhook allows you to receive alerts when actions have been confirmed on the Solana blockchain.

Balance Webhook

E.g. In a node express server:

app.use('/events', async (req, res) => {
  const event = req.body

Verify Webhook

The verify webhook allows you to have fine-grained control over transactions, making sure they meet your own criteria before allowing them to proceed.

Balance Webhook

E.g. In a node express server return a 200 status code to approve the transaction or a 400 to reject it:

app.use('/verify', async (req, res) => {
  const transaction = req.body
  // e.g.
  if (transaction.amount < 1000000) {

Demos and Starter Kits

Created to help get you up and running as quickly as possible, these projects can be a great reference point when you get stuck or even a starter for your own project. Happy coding!

Kinetic TypeScript DApp

A lightweight web-based implementation of Kinetic with a fully functional Next.js based interface.

Kinetic Playground

A multi-functional Front-End that allows you to connect to a Kinetic Server or carry out Web-based transactions via our Kinetic Typescript SDK or SDK-less.

Kinetic Node Starter

This starter shows how to implement a simple API that allows you to send a token to a Solana account using Kinetic.

Kinetic TypeScript Node Demo

A full-fat server based implementation of Kinetic.

This server is compatible with the Kinetic Playground Front End.

Ready for Production?

If your app is ready for production, this is the place for you!


Get your app ready and running on the Solana Mainnet


Kinetic TypeScript SDK

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